Wednesday, December 31, 2008

12/31/08 Wed

Thanks to Marlene and David and John and Lauren for their Christmas presents and even more so for assembling them - shelves for dvd's and tapes and a handsome stand for the TV. What a neat surprise to come home from the hospital and see them all assembled and in great working order. Wow! Now visitors will not have to worry about the stand and tv tipping over. Plus new curtains for later installation. Thanks guys.


As related previously, Linda had a set back Monday 12/29 as she fell on her face while at Physical Training . . Emergency room until 2 am, Intensive care one night, regular room one night, and 3 cat scans later she came home today and is happy. Had blood on the brain and there was possibility of more surgery. The later cat scans showed no further bleeding so no need for surgery. Will see Dr Asher in a week to check if ok. Take maybe 4 months for body to clear it out. Can go back to Rehab next week so it is, we hope, just a bump in the road to recovery.

Tuesday, December 30, 2008

12/30/08 Tue

Linda is in room 9611 in Intensive Care at Carolinas Medical. Main telephone number is 704 355 2000 but she cannot take calls in icu. I will go by soon. 8:30am. Another catscan at 11:30 am to compare with the previous one. Waiting on doctor 12:45pm.

Monday, December 29, 2008

12/29/08 Mon

Linda had a Good morning, tough afternoon. At 9 am picked up a part for Linda's oven and by noon had found my promised Christmas present - a lounge chair to replace the one on loan from our Church. At 3 pm Linda had Occupational Therapy at Carolinas Medical Center Rehabilitation Center and while on an excursion outside fell and hurt her face, head, side, and wrist. To Emergency Room and many hours later CAT Scan revealed bleeding in brain. X rays showed no broken ribs. She is being kept overnight in Intensive Care unit for observation and if conditions develop could have another surgery. Doctor thought she would not need surgery but they are being cautious and observing her. I came home around 3 am and will go back early Tuesday. Her face is scratched and hurt. Her head hurts but not as much as one would think. Her side is another matter and the doctor said a bruised rib is as painful as a cracked one. Got tetanus (sp, it is late)shot and pain pills. I hated to leave but I am beat.

Saturday, December 27, 2008

12/27/08 Sat

On Christmas Day, Linda had Good Christmas with family in Greensboro. Don had Christmas in Wilmington. Then Don and Linda visited Milton on way back to Charlotte. Santa showed up in all three places.Linda traveled well. Yeh! Friday night cried through Morley and Me at the movie.

Wednesday, December 24, 2008

12/24/08 Christmas Eve

Good week and Linda is doing many routine things she once did. Slept well last night without a pill. She tried to several other nights but this is first time it went ok. Walking well. Progress. She is excited about going to see her family for Christmas leaving after 1pm for Greensboro with brother in law. Niece and husband coming from NJ.

Ok at therapy of
12/22/08 Mon 09am PT
12/23/08 Tue 03pm OT

Monday, December 22, 2008

Schedule through 01/16/2009

11/25/08 8 am Tuesday PT
11/24/08 Dr Asher
11/26/08 Dr Bullock
12/02/08 1 Wed 10:30 appointment to check stitch area with Lee Anne
12/04 2pm Thu OT 3pm PT
12/19/08 Wed 10:45am Echo Cardiogram at Charlotte Cardiology at rescheduled from 01/14/09 at Dr. Bullock's.
12/29/08 Mon 03pm OT,04pm PT
12/31/08 Wed 12pm PT,02pm OT
01/05/09 Mon 02pm OT,03pm PT
01/06/09 Tue 10:30am, Dr Bullock followup to 12/10/08 Visit with Dr Carter
01/07/09 Wed 02pm PT,03pm OT
01/12/09 Mon 11am OT,12 PT
01/14/09 Wed 10:45am Echo Cardiogram at Dr. Bullock's resheduled to 12/19/08.
01/19/09 Mon 10am pt
01/16/09 Fri 10am pt, 11am ot
01/21/09 Wed10am pt
01/26/09 Mon10am,pt
01/28/09 Wed 11am MRI, 01:30pm Dr. Asher
Eye doctor appointment Dr. Elizabeth Waller (Dr W)

Sunday, December 21, 2008

12/21/08 Sun

A good day of rest for Linda.

12/20/08 Sat Early Christmas Lunch with Milton

Early Christmas Lunch with Milton and Linda at Lexington BBQ. We had a good time. First real trip out of town for Linda and she did ok. Ate BBq leftovers for the next day and a half.

Friday, December 19, 2008

12/19/08 Fri

10:45am Echo Cardiogram at Charlotte Cardiology (moved up from 1/16/09) - will get results "next week." Then went to Vet with Milo and Charlie. Milo got several shots plus medicine for runny eyes. Charlie had gained 1/2 pound to 6 1/2 and that was good as he has been losing over last couple of years. He is about 20. Milo is 9 3/4.

Moravian cookies from Linda to vet office arrived yesterday and were a hit. Honestly the timing was coincidental but nice.

Marlene went with us to vet's and then on home to Greensboro for Christmas and will not be back next week. She has been so helpful and is good with tools, especially her battery operated drill.

Linda did not sleep much last night but in fine spirits today. Taking a nap at 4 pm

This is Charlie below:
see more at

Thursday, December 18, 2008

12/18/08 Thu

Good night of sleep with right sleeping pill. Spent several hours shopping and our with Marlene; good. Good day. Did fall when going down steps landing on her bottom, she is ok.

Wednesday, December 17, 2008

12/17/08 Wed

Last night took pill for pain on top of head and the medicine usually makes Linda sleep. This time the pain went away but she did not sleep well.

Had good day at PT and OT as Linda is enjoying the wonderful staff at Carolinans Medical Rehab. We split a Spaghetti lunch at Carolina Cafe and she ate maybe half of her half. Then some grocery shopping and Linda walked. Last time she rode the buggy but had to stop half way through.

Marlene back in town to be with her during days until Friday. They went shopping and Linda still had enegy at night. Most activity since operation.

Linda is looking forward to a doctor's appointment Friday - her red tabby Persian has an appointment with a supper Vet, Mark Green.

Tuesday, December 16, 2008

12/16/08 Tue

Head where some stitches placed giving her headache (near where the staple had been overlooked for a few weeks) so went to doctor's office. Looked "ok" but head still hurts. A good day, nevertheless. Not much appetite.

Monday, December 15, 2008

Sunday, December 14, 2008

12/14/08 Sun

Went to 8:30 am music program in Church Sanctuary and Linda loved it.

Friday, December 12, 2008

12/12/08 Frii

Slow day, little energy, low appetite, lot of sleeping. Discouraged. Eyes not making progress and is frustrating. Skipped home exercise assignments. Sorry to miss SS party today.

Positive developments that are gradually happening but not emphasized much so far include:
>Linda does not use or need the walker.
>She can get up and out of almost any chair.
>Moves around on bed and gets in and out by herself
>She does a shower by herself.
>She can fix some food and drink.
>Each time she goes up her outside 14 steps, it is faster and less painful.
So good things are happening too!

Thursday, December 11, 2008

12/11/08 Thu

Slept better last night with new Ambien, stronger than before. Also started medicine for sinuses. Felt better early morning , but had OT and PT today and was dizzy during PT so cut short and came home. Too bad. Slept a lot during the day and felt better. Fell asleep tonight around 8:45 pm

Wednesday, December 10, 2008

12/10/08 Wed

Woke up not feeling well with Congestion.No fever except cabin. Visit Dr. Carter (Bullock busy) at 2:15 pm. Prescribed new medicine for sleeping and sinus troubles. Scheduled doctor followup in a few weeks plus ECHO cardioagram in January

Tuesday, December 9, 2008

12/09/08 Tue

Thank goodness, Linda is better to day and in better spirits after a tough few days. Went to PT and OT and did well. Feels so much better and getting stronger. Up the 14 steps with basically no help for first time. Stuffed up last night and took Tylenol then later Allegra D (which once gave her problems but is effective for the running nose).

Monday, December 8, 2008

12/08/08 Mon

Grocery shopping this morning was too much for Linda even with the motorized cart and we stopped about half through. Up and down weekend.

Saturday, December 6, 2008

12/06/08 Sat

Linda is better tthis morning after yesterday's funk. She worked on Christmas Cards and thank you cards late last night and this morning, and I think she is seeing better. Went on her PC for first time since surgery and viewed her emails. 11 am

Friday, December 5, 2008

12/05/08 Fri

Ooooops, Linda crashed today about 3 pm and energy was gone. Rested some and felt a little better by 8 pm

Thursday, December 4, 2008

12/04/08 Thu

Wow, Linda had a B-12 shot last week and is taking B-12 pills each day and she is full of energy and gratefulness. Did the B12 do it? - I do not know but she does not eat eggs or much meat or dairy products and that causes low whatever b12 corrects.

Eyesight still an issue but she might be some improved.

She went to PT and OT today and did so much better than the last visit about 10 days ago. She scored 52 on a test for balance with a goal of 56. She last scored 27. It took her 9 minutes today to take the test compared with 35 last time. She also is showing progress going up steps, which has been very hard for her. Even after 2 hours of therapy she still was full of energy. Maybe I (don) will get a shot!

Anyone had experience with B12??

12/04/08 Thu

12/04 2pm Thursday OT
12/04 3pm Thursday PT



01/28/2009 (11:00am) Wednesday MRI and
01/28/09 (1:30 pm) Wednesday next visit with Dr. Asher

01/14/09 10:45 am Echo Cardiogram at Dr. Bullock's Office

01/06/09 Tuesday 10:30 am sees Dr Bullock for followup to 12/10/08 Visit with Dr Carter

12/15 11am Monday OT
12/15 12 Noon Monday Pt

12/10/08 Visit with Dr Carter

12/11 9am Thursday PT (half)
12/11 10am Thursday OT (skipped)

12/09 10am Tuesday PT
12/09 11am Tuesday OT

12/04 2pm Thursday OT
12/04 3pm Thursday PT

12/02/08 10:30 Wednesday appointment to check stitch area with Lee Anne

11/26 Dr Bullock

11.25 8 am Tuesday PT

11/24/08 Dr Asher